java - twitter4j Streaming Api not showing result when search "@sometext" -
twitter4j Streaming API is not showing results when searching "@sometext" is a code here Please help first before I started authentication I am making the listener again. After telling the listener, just apply the filter and show results from the listener.
Public static zero main (string [] AGR) throws Twitter animation {ConfigurationBuilder CB = New ConfigurationBuller (); Cb.setDebugEnabled (true); Cb.setOAuthConsumerKey (ConsumerKey); Cb.setOAuthConsumerSecret (ConsumerSecret); Cb.setOAuthAccessToken (AccessToken); Cb.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret (AccessSecret); Twitter Serial Twitter Stream = New Twitter Stream Streaming ( ()). GetInstance (); RawStreamListener listener = new RawStreamListener () {@Override Message on Public Zero (String Crude JSON) {System.out.println (rawJSON); } @parride public at zero (zero exception) {ex.printStackTrace (); }}; FilterQuery fq = new filterclub (); String keyword [] = {"@convo"}; Fq.track (keywords); TwitterStream.addListener (listener); TwitterStream.filter (fq); }
If I search my work well without "@" then I'm trying to get a position with some "@ cono" tag, but when I query @,
I searched and did not support the Twitter Streaming API dose @ search or filter extension here
is available on POST statuses / filters.
A sepoy list of a comma user id, which reflects the URL, whose Tweets are delivered to the stream. The following protected users are not supported. For each user specified, the stream will contain:
Tweets created by the user Replies to any tweets created by the user who have been riveted by the users. Acceptance of any tweets created by the user manually, created without pressing the reply button (i.e., "@TTitterPI I agree"). This will not happen in the stream:
The user's tweets (like "Hello @TTTPAP!") Have been created without any reactive buttons, manual reductions have been created (for example "RT @titterpi api is great "). Tweets by Protected Users
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