puppet - how to install rpmrebuild in openshift for restricted user? -

Hi dear I need to set up a puppet in the app that opens so I

  rpm Should run -ivh http://yum.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-el-7.noarch.rpm  

from this site:

  Http: //docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/install_puppet/install_el.html  

but I get this error:

  bash: / bin / Rpm: By hacking the RPM with permission  rpmrebuild  

I need to run a new RPM for my restricted user

  Yum Install rpmrebuild  

but I get this error:

  error: the package can not open the database in / var / lib / rpm / CRITICAL: yum . Main: Error: rpmdb open failed  

So do I know that I can install rpmrebuild or puppet in my RelapseStit guitar by ssh and putty? Thanks a lot.

You can not normally install the rpm package without root privileges .

Your best option is probably to get it. Do not worry about the documentation pseudo which is not available to you, however - gems can usually be installed properly.


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