google app engine - Trying to access another closure's property from a Gradle test task -
First of all, my actual goal is to inform my functional tests on which Port Gradle will start my development server (if you're interested again), the easiest way to do this is to establish a system property What am I trying to do:
epenin {httpPort = 8081 ...} test {systemProperty "httpPort", appengine.httpPort}
I'm still very new to gradeal and maybe my g V Scoping knows the rules well, but it should be possible to do something, right? I've seen using "global def
" to talk about this type, but it seems that there is a more elegant solution for this particular case.
Ah, here's the trick: I especially wanted to pass system properties in my functional tests . For some reason I was still the right place for that place, and that appenagine functional test
would be the successor to that, but it is not so. Once I close my test
Q & amp; A. Especially the app engine referred to in question is about the griddle plugin. Thank you for the help of commentators!