struts2 - MySQL server: throwing exception regarding syntax of query -
I am creating a project on the Strat Framework, I get an exception from the server when I insert data in the table using SQL And I'm unable to find solutions.
The error is as follows:
javax.servlet .ServletException: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: There is an error in your SQL syntax; Check the manual related to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax to use '
near', ',', ',' 'yes', 'yes', 'admin') . Pre>is my code which cause an error as follows: -
SQL = "field_visit_details (visit_date, block, village, flw_category, flw_name, flw_contact_no, aware_zinc, aware_ors Take, past_zinc, past_ors, qty_avail_zinc_ten, qty_avail_zinc_twe, qty_avail_zinc_syr, qty_avail_ors, qty_disp_zinc_ten, qty_disp_zinc_twe, qty_disp_zinc_syr, qty_disp_ors, stockout_zinc, stockout_ors, diar_cases_seen, diar_cases_reff, diar_deaths_less_than_five, added_by) values ( '' + field_visit_date + '', '' + block_row_one + ' '' + Vilej_ro_one + ',' + Flv_ketegri_ro_one + ',' + Flv_nam_ro_one + ',' + Flv_kantekt_no_ro_one + ',' + Aveyr_jink_ro_one + ',' + Aveyr_ors_ro_one + ' '' + Past_zinc_row_one + '', '' + past_ors_row_one + '', '' + qty_avail_zinc_ten_row_one + '', '+ + qty_avail_zinc_t Ve_ro_one + ',' + Kty_aval_jink_sir_ro_one + ',' + Kty_aval_ors_ro_one + ',' + ',' + ',' + '' + '' + '' + '' + + '' + '' + ',' + Qty_disp_ors_row_one + "" + "+ Stokaut_jis_o_on +" ' "' + Stokaut_ors_o_on +", "+ Dayl_ksis_sen_oar_on +" ' "'" + Dayrecasis_ref_oreon + "','" + Dir_deths_o_on + "','" + + Login + '' ') "; Println (sql); Int x = stmt.executeUpdate (SQL); If (x> 0) SUCCESS = "admin";
The table structure is as follows: -
(`field_visit_id` make the integer table, not present field_visit_details` (11) No NULL auto_increment,` visit_date `NULL not on,` block` varchar (100) nOT NULL, `village` varchar (100) nOT NULL,` flw_category` varchar (45) nOT NULL, `flw_name` varchar (100) nOT NULL,` flw_contact_no` varchar ( 13) not NULL, `aware_zinc` varchar (10) nOT NULL,` aware_ors` varchar (10) nOT NULL, `past_zinc` varchar (10) nOT NULL,` past_ors` varchar (10) nOT NULL, `qty_avail_zinc_ten` integer ( 11) No NULL, `qty_avail_zinc_twe` integer (11) no null,` qty_avail_zinc_syr` integer (11) not null, `qty_avail_ors` integer (11 ) Not NULL, `qty_disp_zinc_ten` int (11) NOT NULL,` qty_disp_zinc_twe` int (11) NOT NULL, `qty_disp_zinc_syr` int (11) NOT NULL,` qty_disp_ors` int (11) NOT NULL, `stockout_zinc` varchar (11 ) not nULL, `stockout_ors` varchar (11) nOT nULL,` diar_cases_seen` int (11) nOT nULL, `diar_cases_reff` int (11) nOT nULL,` diar_deaths_less_than_five` int (11) nOT nULL, `added_by` varchar (100 ) No NULL, primary key (`field_visit_id`) engine = InnoDB default charset = latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;
query when I was first printed in the console: -
field_visit_details (visit_date, block, village, Flw_category, Flw_name, enter flw_contact_no, aware_zinc, aware_ors, past_zinc, past_ors, qty_avail_zinc_syr, qty_avail_zinc_twe, qty_avail_zinc_ten, qty_avail_ors, qty_disp_zinc_ten, qty_disp_zinc_twe, qty_disp_zinc_syr, qty_disp_ors, stockout_zinc, stockout_ors, diar_cases_seen, diar_cases_reff, diar_deaths_less_than_five, added_by) vALUES ( '2014-07-02', 'asdasd', '' , '12', '12', '12', '12', '12 ','
But that is, '12', '12', 'yes' , 'Yes', '12', '12', '12', 'admin') that successfully contains data in the query table, but still the server Showing Prokt error.
I even used the printed query above directly in phpmyadmin and worked fine without any problems. Please help me to resolve any ideas are welcome ...
You have SQL There is a syntax exception in the statement that you posted the error message. Therefore, you have to change the SQL statement and fix syntax errors. For this purpose, you should re-write this to use PraparedStatement
for example. And use appropriate for database column type set
methods when setting the parameters of the prepared statement.
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