java - How can I pause a loop until I get a users input? -
I am starting in Java and I am making a fun project for myself to learn more about Java, I I am planning to randomize the video from a predetermined list and display it to the user.
I am having trouble stopping the loop once you write in the type of video that you want to see to hide the program automatically, but I want you to ask You want to see a second video before it starts again. Even I have so far:
import java.util.Scanner; Import java.util.Random; Public class youtube generator {public static zero main (string [] args) {int randomstring = 0; For (;;) {System.out.println ("\ n --------- Youtube Video Generator 0.001 Beta ------------------ \ n "); System.out.println ("\ n ********* Disclaimer: Warning - This program can direct you to violent, harassing content, and / or obscene language, and only for a mature person It is. *** ****** \ n \ n "); Scanner scan = new scanner (; System.out.println ("What kind of video do you want to see from the list? \"); System.out.println ("Cute \ n" + "Funny \ n" + "WTF \ n" + "Interesting \ n" + "Documentary \ n"); System.out.print ("I want to see:"); String userString = (); Random rand = new random (); If (userString.equalsIgnoreCase ("cute")) {string cute 1 = ""; String cute 2 = ""; String cute 3 = ""; String cute 4 = ""; String cute 5 = ""; System.out.println ("Here's a lovely video that you can see:" + lovely 5); } If (userString.equalsIgnoreCase ("weird")) {System.out.println ("Here is a strange thing you can see:"); String funny1 = ""; String funny 2 = ""; String funny 3 = ""; String funny 4 = ""; Strings Funny 5 = ""; } If (userString.equalsIgnoreCase ("wtf")) {System.out.println ("Here is a WTF video that you can see:"); String wtf1 = ""; String wtf2 = ""; String wtf3 = ""; String wtf4 = ""; String wtf5 = ""; } If (userString.equalsIgnoreCase ("Interesting")) {System.out.println ("Here is an interesting video that you can see:"); String int1 = ""; String int 2 = ""; String int3 = ""; String int4 = ""; String int 5 = ""; } If (userString.equalsIgnoreCase ("documentary")) {System.out.println ("Here is a space video that you can see:"); String doc1 = ""; String Dock 22 = ""; String doc33 = ""; String doc4 = ""; String doc5 = ""; }}}}}
Before the closing brace of your loop, insert the following code:
System.out.println ("Do you want to watch another video? Yes or do not enter"); String decision = (); If (decision.equalsIgnoreCase ("no") break);
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