Customising django-allauth's socialaccount signup form -

I am successfully using my custom form class with standard account registration, although I can not seem to have a social account sign Up to the custom form class (the default signup form is always loaded).

As suggested in the question, I have set the SOCIALACCOUNT_AUTO_SIGNUP = False . And as I have suggested, I am using the following setting:

  SOCIALACCOUNT_FORMS = {'signup': 'someapp.forms.SocialSignupForm'}  

The code for a custom form class looks something like this (lots of suggestions have been given):

  class SocialSignupForm (forms.Form): foo = forms.CharField (max_length = 255) (Self, request, user): = self.cleaned_data ['foo'] user, label = 'Foo', widget = forms.TextInput ({placeholder: 'bar'}) Save ()  

answer my own question To answer, the problem was that the setting SOCIALACCOUNT_FORMS (and therefore optimize the signup form) is only available from Déjengo-Allay 0.17.1.

My installed version is 0.17.0 (Installed via PIP), currently, need to install 0.17.1 from source.


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