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Hibernate ORM - supporting Java 1.8 Optional for entity properties -

I am trying to use java.util.optional in some continuous classes. Is there any alternative way to do this work? I have tried to use UserType, but it is not possible to handle it in any way, alternatively without mapping the SQL type (not acceptable) I also tried to use JPA converter, but it I do not support parametric types, I can wrap it using letters and setters, but it is more like hack than solution public square Las {private Other MyOtherClass; Public Optional: & lt; MyOtherClass & gt; GetOther () {Optional Optional. Return (other); } Public Woud set other (optional other) {this.other = other.orElse (null); }} Thanks! As explained, you can not do this java.util.Optional is not optional as serializable You can use the optional container in the gateer / setter methods. Being in hibernation can then take the actual type from the unit attribute, while recipients and setter optional : can use the personal string name Are; Public alternat...

Unable to start MongoDB MMS agent -

I have installed MMS agent for CentOS and when I start it as a service, I see the following error. I searched for this error, but no reference can be found, someone can tell me what the problem is. / usr / bin / mongodb-mms-monitoring-agent: error while loading shared libraries: can not open the shared object file: such a file or directory thanks. I wrote to support Monggab and after his reply, I was able to start the agent, The response was: For my best knowledge, Fedora 20 is equivalent to RHEL 7, which is not yet supported by the Mongodiib, it has been planned for the OS, but I Can not guarantee a timetable for release Meanwhile, I believe it is possible to work with the following with this issue: CD / Lib64 sudo ln -s 3.0.0 libsasl2 .so.2 Hope this helps, and allows you to start the agent. Thanks to André de Frere from Mongodybi.

linux - Ordering requirement for a combination of the redirection operators < and > -

I have found that these two commands have the same output, when typing: 1 cat & Lt; File 1 & gt; File2 2. Cat & gt; File2 & lt; File1 It is confused whether there is an order requirement when using these redirection operators? As Matt Macbone points out, & lt; File 1 and & gt; File2 Basically assignments are interpretted before running the command. They are very much interpreted input = "file1"; Output = "file2"; Cat execution versus output = "file2"; Input = "file1"; Cat execution Which is clearly the same. However, in some cases the order is a matter! Cat & gt; Foo 2 & gt; & Amp; 1 : output = "foo"; Error = output; Cat execution In this case, the error and the output are identical with the comparison of the cat 2 & gt; & Amp; 1 & gt; Foo : error = output; Output = "afu"; In this case, output is set to "foo" , while error...

php - Calling environment variables inside class not working -

I'm not sure why this is not working? I want to be able to access the set set in my .env.php file, but NetBeans is showing an error that the getenv function is not recognized. This is my code & lt ;? Php class Blast Extends Lectures {... Protected $ connection = getenv ('DB_NAME'); } Set the value of the class from the manufacturer. class Blah provides eloquent {protected $ connection = null; Function __ conversion () {$ this- & gt; Connection = getenv ('DB_NAME'); }}

javascript - Anchor tag overridden by div's onclick upon adding target="_blank" -

यह मेरा (वर्किंग) कोड था: & lt; div onclick = " location.href = 'http: //'; "& gt; & Lt; a href = "" & gt; लिंक & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; अगर मैं लिंक पर क्लिक करता हूं, तो मुझे इसमें ले जाया जाएगा अगर मैं div में कहीं और क्लिक करूँगा, तो मुझे इसमें ले जाया जाएगा फिर, मैंने तय किया कि मैं लिंक पर क्लिक करने के लिए एक नया टैब खोलना चाहता हूं, इसलिए मैंने इसे अपना कोड बदल दिया: & lt; div onclick = "location.href = 'http: //';" & gt; & Lt; a href = "" target = "_ blank" & gt; लिंक & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; हालांकि, अगर मैं अब लिंक पर क्लिक करूँगा, तो मुझे इसके बजाय ले जाया जाएगा! जाहिर है, मेरे एंकर टैग के लिए target = "_ blank" जोड़कर मेरे एंकर टैग के href को ओवरराइड करने के लिए मेरे ऑनक्लिक विधि उत्पन्न हुईं I क्या हो रहा...

javascript - jQuery mobile pagecontainer load() -

यह कोड क्या करता है? $ (": मोबाइल-पृष्ठ कंटेनर")। पृष्ठ कंटेनर ("लोड", "# स्वागत 2"); मेरे पास एक jQuery UI स्वत: पूर्ण इनपुट बॉक्स है जो मैं आरम्भ करता हूं, लेकिन यह केवल तभी काम करता है यदि निम्न में से कोई भी सत्य है: मैं खंड पर कॉल करता हूं । # welcome2 ( # welcome1 से आने के बजाय) पर आगंतुक शुरू होता है संपादित करें: क्या यह उस क्रम में कुछ हो सकता है जिसमें jQuery के यूआई और jQuery के मोबाइल लोड होते हैं? EDIT2: ऐसा लगता है कि गैर-भारित खंड पर कोई विजेट नहीं हैं। मैं यहां तक ​​कि .checkboxradio ("अक्षम") जैसी चीज़ों को भी नहीं कर सकता जब तक कि खंड को स्पष्ट रूप से लोड नहीं किया गया हो। लोड आईआईटी मतलब क्या है और यह क्यों नहीं किया जाता है जब दस्तावेज लोड होता है?

vba - Application WorksheetFunction VLookup second variable -

I'm completely trapped! First I have used vlookup VBA below to get my results. For example: worksheets ("part number"). Room (i + 1, 2) = _ "= VLOOKUP (RC [-1], 'Supplier'! C [-2]: C [1], 3.0) Let me now The application worksheet function is required to include the result of cell (number) and not the function. Even how far away I have: for i = 3 LR 'Last Line LUVLUE = Worksheets ("Part Number"). (I + 1, 2) Worksheets ("Part Number"). Cell (i + 1, 3) = _ Applications Worksheet Function. Vilupuup (Lewolu, [Supplier_Range ], 3, Next I This includes the following error details as I read that it has not been specified, then can cause problems for some time: Cells (i + 1, 3) Worksheet ("Part Number") If IsError (Worksheets ("Part Number") Cell (i + 1, 3) = "NA", if finished. When I run it, I'm unable to get the error 'Workspace attribute class' when I debug I can see that my luvva...